Sunday, August 18, 2024

Mundmusik versus Hexenrock

 (That's mouth music versus witchrock)

 Don't I feel an oaf for only having just heard this amazing lingual freakout of psychedelia-glossolalia?


Kind of wish there was no guitar in it at all (there's only the odd wisp and curlicue-of-flame admittedly).... that it was just voicescape (or rather voice-vortex )

As incantatory multitracked delay + echo stimmung-maelstroms go, it's sort of the missing link between Tim Buckley's "Starsailor" and this Roy Harper piece when it really takes off... 


Or this Harper eternal classic when the vocals really start multitracking into a billowing tapestry  around 8.41

Also a bit Animal Collective in their most lights-out tribally freakout mode...

Also Gibbytronix. 

What other things in the psych / prog / Krautrock zone does "Truth And Probability (A Lexicon Of Self Knowledge)" (shit title though innit)  resemble? 

Amazing to think that Achim Reichel, who was A.R & Machines, was previously the main force in The Rattles, who did this ridiculously exciting nifty-groover with a necromantic theme.  


 Fantastic guitar but a completely different mode to the use of guitar in A.R. & the Machines

"The Witch" also earns some vocal-extremism points for Edna Béjarano's flamethrower singing and that hideous cackling in the background of the chorus. 



  1. Another great use of the Diddleybeat!

    1. ...Transposing Diddley's Voodoo iconography to Medieval Europe.


P is for Paladin.... and also for Picador

   Paladin  - second only to  Picador  as a publisher's name to set the arty-intellectual bibliophile's heart a flutter...    Radica...