Saturday, March 8, 2025

student selection (1 of ??)

When they do essays or presentations, or when we do a class organized around videoclips they've suggested around a theme or genre, my students often turn me onto things I've never heard /  heard of. 

This is a sporadic blog series representing these oddities and gems.

Occasionally they turn me onto something I do know about but have not heard this particular iteration

So it is with the inaugural offering - a fantastic live version of "Born Under Punches" by Talking Heads (my #3 postpunk band back in the day, after PiL and Slits). It's concert footage but not from either of the live albums / concert movies. 

Suddenly I'm not sure whether I ever saw the Jonathan Demme movie... bit remiss if not, for a postpunk historian. 

The idea of the concert movie has never really appealed to me, though.

Nor - really - the live album. 

Qs for the massive 

1. What are the great concert movies? 

(Don't bother to say The Last Waltz - it is great, in places, yet also hugely aggravating on account of Robbie Robertson's smugness - and the final bit of The Band's music on a soundstage, with no audience, is some kind of cultural crime, or at least all-time Top 10 case of legacy-self-enshitenment) * 

2. What are the live albums worth bothering with? 


You don't believe me? Gird thy earholes and eyeholes

student selection (1 of ??)

When they do essays or presentations, or when we do a class organized around videoclips they've suggested around a theme or genre, my st...