Thursday, January 23, 2025

Pauline cracks wise

This 1977 compilation of works by women electronic composers was recently reissued

Interestingly the neutral title - New Music For Electronic and Recorded Media - doesn't draw attention to the femaleness of the contents.

I picked up an original copy many years ago and by coincidence dug it out and gave it another spin not so long ago -  the first time since acquisition. And noticed something about the inner sleeve: 

What's that bloke with the mustache doing amid the array of portraits? 

It's Pauline Oliveros having a little joke - submitting some bow-tied baldie's photo in lieu of a proper portrait.

Something else that caught my eye - how very different Laurie Anderson presented at that time, from her later New Wavey image... 

Is normcore the right word? 

Here's another pic of her from 1977

Her two musical contributions to New Music for Electronic and Recorded Media are fairly different from the United States / "O Superman" / Big Science type stuff....  spoken word elements, but much more naturalistic. 

Pauline O's inclusion is her classic Puccini subversion

Another goodie is Laurie Spiegel's "Appalachian Grove"

Here's the original back cover with liner notes from Charles Amirkhanian, who seems to have instigated the compilation. 

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Quintessence of Old Wave (fluteation device) (11 of 11)

Did you see what I did there? " mantras which we use which are word combinations, we get the audience to participate and speak back to ...