Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Bee Sides

 Songs about bees, or from the perspective of a bee

It's wonderful to be alive

To be a bee in this beehive

It's tough as nails, it's smooth as silk

It's milk and honey, without milk

I work with flowers, it's my work

From this, there's no way that I can shirk

No-no-no-no-no, there is no complex philosophy

It's just because I'm a bee

Unlike the skunk, I do not smell

But I have a thing and it stings like hell

As heroes go, I'm unsung

But step on me and you'll get stung

You'll get stung

The cutest bee I've ever seen

Is our own big, fat sexy queen

It's true she hasn't got such great legs

But you should see the girl lay eggs

It's wonderful to be a bee

Although there are billions just like me

This hive of mine, I call it home

There is no place like comb sweet comb


Busy bee

Buzzing all day long

What's the hurry?

There's surely something wrong

I can't rest while the sun and the stars are so bright

'Cause your friends are picking flowers

Take away all my light

But you see busy bee

It's all for love

People pick them

You lick them all for love


She was a virgin, of humble origin

She knew of no sin

Her eyes as bright as the stars without light

We spent all the night

Prototype versions

I always associate Tintern Abbey with their contemporaries The Virgin Sleep, whose "Secret" , I just noticed, contains a reference to "the queen of the bees" - alongside many other creatures of the field, all hip to some kind of pantheistic-pastoral gnosis that the singer's sworn not to disclose. 

Partly it's the "virgin" thing as in "she was a virgin of humble origin / she knew of no sin", but also the general bucolic-psychedelic vibe and the connection to children's storybook anthropomorphism (Wind in the Willows, Dr. Doolittle et al).

The willow tree by the wishing well
Saw the fireflies dance but he won't tell
It's a secret he'll keep but he knows very well
I know

The field mouse runs from his nest by the road
To tell the news to the friendly toad
They think they're the only ones that know
But I know

I know 'cause I was there
Having my tea with a teddy bear
I won't tell, I wouldn't dare
'Cause I promised

Dragonflies tell it to the trees
Butterflies hear it in the breeze
They go tell it to the queen of the bees
Now she knows

Ask the wizard or the wise old owl
Or the badger though he's not in the crowd
They don't know anyhow
But I do

I know and so does the swan
He knows what's going on
He won't tell you just as long
As I'm here

The blackbirds talking in the trees
Tell the seagull who flies the seas
The sparrow hawk knows but then he sees

Spider spinning his web of silk
Watching the ducks down by the mill
He'll keep the secret
Until he's ready


A "setting" of a poem by Larry Beckett

I am a bee out in the fields of winter

And though I memorized the slope of water,

Oblivion carries me on his shoulder:

Beyond the suns I speak and circuits shiver,

But though I shout the wisdom of the maps,

I am a salmon in the ring shape river.

Composer's Notes. Harmonic structure: a set of horizontal vocal lines

is improvised in at least three ranges, the vertical effect

of which is atonal tone clusters and arhythmic counterpoint.

Performance: the written melody is to be sung, after which

the lines of lyric are to be reordered at will and sung

to improvised melody, taking advantage of the opportunity

for quartertones, third note lengths, and flexible tempo.


That Tim Buckley voicescape  is one of my absolute all-time gobsmacking mind-blown forever favorites....  Don't know why it's not more celebrated or talked-about. Easily the equal of equivalent things done at this time by your Nonos and Parmegianis. 

(In a class I did on experimental vocals, I played "Stairsailor" and another song from the album - "Jungle Fire" or maybe "I Woke Up" - plus the most unloosed erotomanic-glossalalic sections of "Get On Top" and "Devil Eyes" from Greetings from LA.  This class was the prototype for a whole course I later did called "The Elastic Voice". I really thought the students would be utterly blown away by Buckley but they reacted oddly - seemed to find his voice grating. One said they felt his singing style wasn't properly "supported" - i.e. he'd never had formal instruction in how to use his voice properly and safely, and consequently was audibly damaging his vocal cords, would soon get nodules. This what made them feel uncomfortable, as trained singers themselves - they could feel what it would mean physically to produce such sounds)

Tintern Abbey... again, one of my favorites pieces of music ever. Just the cymbal sound alone - it always makes me picture pollen motes in a woodland clearing, irradiated by sunlight streaming through the leafy canopy.  Now which Brit invented that style of broken drumming? Does it come from Ringo on "Rain" and "Tomorrow Never Knows"? Love the Wordsworth reference of the group's name - a foundational poem of English Romanticism and pastoral pantheism. Kinda amazing that Tintern Abbey never made it, during that long moment of "Itchycoo Park" and "Hole In My Shoe". Astounding also that "Bee Side"  was the literal B-side (good joke!) of "Vacuum Cleaner", another sublime Britpsych classic (if oddly titled - I have no idea why!). I believe this was Tintern Abbey's sole single. Indeed the group's only release during their own lifetime.  Much much later  an album of bits and bobs - unreleased recordings - came out in 2021 with the title Beeside: The Complete Recordings, but sadly nothing else really approaches the heights of "Bee Side" and "Vacuum Cleaner".

Loudon Wainwright III - I remember him being a Peel favorite, sticking out like a sore thumb amidst the postpunk and the outright punk-punk and the reggae etc.... but amusing / intriguing even then.  Somehow I've never got around to "doing" him until now. "Bee Side" is a clever, droll, imaginative tune. But not as clever, droll, imaginative or consternating as "Rufus Is A Tit Man". What can it be like walking around as a performer/singer-songwriter yourself and knowing your Dad wrote that about baby you?  


Not really a song about bees

Great guitar playing, beamed straight across time from San Francisco circa 1968


There's a fuckload more songs about bees or that reference bees - Stones's 'I'm A King Bee" to name only the most obvious.

Now I'm surprised I didn't remember this one though without the Google search

Surprised also I didn't remember this, having once been a Python obsessive 

Released as a single, that was.

This one throws in a bonus insect

Oops, another one - although this is not literally about bees, it's a saucy metaphor, amid a whole nest of downright dirty metaphors 

Yellow jacket buzz let's honey do
I'll lie down on top of you
Gonna split this womb in two
Haunted hive I'm comin' through

Sting me queen me
Queen sting dream me
Dream queen sting me
Sting queen

What's that growin' in my head
Worker bees, work her bed
I'm driving nails into your mattress head
I'm driving and I'm pumping red

Sting me queen me
Queen sting dream me
Dream queen sting me
Sting queen

Leave some honey
Drippy runny
On your tummy
Rich and yummy

Bee hive in a haunted house
Laying eggs inside my mouth
Gimme something to wash it out
Pour that honey down my throat

Sting me queen me
Queen sting dream me
Dream queen sting me
Sting queen


update - more Bee Sides, some I remembered myself and others suggested by Commenters

I think DJ Hype had some hand in this track by The Scientist - "The Bee"

And the Honeycombe Remix

Mercury Rev - "Chasing A Bee"

From his back-to-childhood phase Jonathan Richman - "Buzz,Buzz,Buzz"

Warpaint - "Bees"

"Queen B" by the charmingly named Puscifer (project of Tool singer Maynard)

Controlled Bleeding - "Bees"

As for related terms like "honey" and "swarm" - I am not opening up that can of bees

Oh, inadvertently reminded myself of the Soft Boys record 

unconnected wasp-based dystopia-castrophe s.f.


  1. This one from Warpaint is called Bees, i don´t get anything related to them in the lyrics, but theres a buzz like a beehive in the background all along the song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dewL4wTF0M0

  2. Here’s Mercury Rev’s ‘Chasing a Bee’: hazy and woozy at first, building to a brain-melting buzz: https://youtu.be/ztKNzjgshfY?si=ispaSpRJ2ilamBXO

    1. Of course - how could I have forgotten that one?

  3. Bee-in-song thinking brought up the lines "two lumps please / you're the bees knees / but then so am I" from "Reel Around the Fountain" - and that then made me wonder about where the expression "the bees's knees"" comes from....

  4. buzz buzz buzz jonathan richman

  5. Wire famously have a keen interest in entomology, but unfortunately this one does not actually seem to be about bees: https://youtu.be/DXu_XWMF0RA?si=0YE1mu1j1wf7XX2Z

  6. Nirvana's 'Beeswax', one of their post-punkish numbers:


  7. The bee has been a regular guest in blues. Here's Slim Harpo, with I'm a King Bee: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XWLvm11MAaM

    Muddy Waters liked him a bee. His last studio album was King Bee, and features a cover of I'm a King Bee. Here's another bee jive by Muddy Waters, Honey Bee: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LATeZ5VKjc8

    John Lee Hooker, with Queen Bee: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7DkzYTHBDqk

    Charley Patton and Bertha Lee, with Yellow Bee: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7DkzYTHBDqk

    Memphis Minnie, with Bumble Bee: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RKBzv5lWLQs

    Getting a bit obscure, Bumble Bee Slim was a Georgian bluesman who achieved some prominence in 1930s Chicago. And as far as I recall, B. B. King was occasionally styled Bee Bee King (though I couldn't find him doing any bee songs).

    Does Sting count? As a bee musician, not as a bluesman, obviously.

  8. "Wu-Tang killa beez, we on a swarm".

    1. Yes what was all that about with the Wu-Tang and bees?

  9. Apologies for the accidental multiple posting

  10. Bee -adjacent, there's Add N to X's "King Wasp"


    Also bee-adjacent, there's the Flaming Lips "Buggin," -complete with buzzing sounds

  11. Re: the title of Tintern Abbey's 'Vacuum Cleaner', it does include the lyric -

    “now my head is really spinning / maybe now I’ll show some willing / to help you with the housework..”

    As such, I’ve always liked to imagine the song explores the idea of some zonked out hippie bloke crashing about in a state of drug-induced reverie whilst his long-suffering girlfriend tries to hoover the flat… but who knows.

    Equally, the title could just be somebody’s comment on the sound of splendidly spaced out / reversed(?) guitar solo?

    Re: the band’s wider output, both ‘Witchcraft’ and their xmas song(?) ‘Snowman’ are also pleasantly bonkers I feel, if not as inspired/distinctive as the tracks on the single.

    1. Oh I never noticed that!

      Will give 'Witchcraft' and 'Snowman' another go.

      I always link "Bee Side" and Tintern Abbey with this other Britpsych outfit Virgin Sleep and their pastoral-idyllic anthropomorphic-animist "Secret" - and just noticed that along with many other wild creatures, there's a reference to "the queen of the bees" in the lyric - https://youtu.be/faGf0kr8Rbc?si=0B8lZ1MgMDQnJKfL


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