Monday, July 29, 2024

New Wavest


1985 - late for New Wave, but the DNA lingered longer in the Los Angeles gene pool

Found that on this LA cable music video show from the 1980s - Goodnight LA.

Feel like episodes of Goodnight LA might have been studied closely by Ariel Pink and Geneva Jacuzzi

Here's Goodnight LA's top videos of 1983 end of year - mostly English and well-made, alas. 

Plus an early Midnight Oil


  1. From the intro of the first clip : "England's controversial Red Lorry Yellow Lorry." Huh?

    NIGHT FLIGHT (the source of that video) had ties to Paul Smith, presenting a half hour special on Cabaret Voltaire around the release of CODE and, later, a monthly music video show produced by Blast First.

    1. I meant to comment on that! In what universe were Red Lorry Yellow Lorry controversial?

      I remember them as part of the plain fare of the 83-onwards moment, they seemed to carry on the rockier side of JoyDiv, like the first side of Closer rather than the more expansive, atmospheric second side. Not actually offensive, apart from the name.

      Did not know that about Paul Smith's involvement.

    2. "Are they Joy Division knockoffs?" would be the only possible controversy.

    3. I think there was a point where John Peel, having been quite a big supporter of the Lorries, Sisters of Mercy, etc, said he was bored by that type of music and wouldn’t be playing any more of it.

      Was his reputation so great that that would have resonated with the indie kids even in California?

  2. Are US bands prohibited from the halls of the Bad Music Era? Because Killer Banana sound very much like they'd be contenders.

    1. Good lord no - they are one of the main international suppliers. But there's something about the BritShit that has a special quality of effrontery and imposture about it - whereas American music for the most part is fairly solid, on basic musical terms.


Bee Sides

 Songs about bees, or from the perspective of a bee It's wonderful to be alive To be a bee in this beehive It's tough as nails, it...